Directed by Terry Miles
Starring Christian Slater and Lochlyn Munro
Runtime 94min. - Rated R
(Though I can't imagine why, I'd say PG-13)
2 Stars (out of 4)
"Dawn Rider" is available on V.O.D services. Links below review.
Starring Christian Slater and Lochlyn Munro
Runtime 94min. - Rated R
(Though I can't imagine why, I'd say PG-13)
2 Stars (out of 4)
"Dawn Rider" is available on V.O.D services. Links below review.
"Dawn Rider" is a remake of the 1935 John Wayne film "The Dawn Rider", which is itself a remake of "Galloping Thru". A third film called "Western Trails" is a retelling of the story as well, making this one the 4th of its kind. It's an odd choice for a remake given that the original wasn't really all that beloved. If that choice wasn't puzzling enough, Christian Slater is cast as the same character John Wayne played. Slater does an adequate job, but why risk bringing on comparisons to Wayne?
"Dawn Rider" is a 90 minute series of events that unfold exactly like you would expect. The story misses every possible opportunity to add suspense. There are plenty of secrets between the characters but all are revealed to the viewer. The only anticipation for the viewer is how the characters will react when they are faced with the truth. In "Dawn Rider" they react exactly how you'd expect in a western. Nothing more, nothing less.
With a few minor changes the movie could have been a satire, which may not have been a bad plan considering it's 3rd in a line of remakes. It already has a lot of clichés that make me chuckle. For instance, the film's hero is named "Cincinnati John Mason", who is known for being the quickest draw in town. He's headed to "Promise, Wyoming" because that's where the "Double-cross Ranch" is located. In a deleted scene he visits a saloon called "The Marshall Is Still Alive And Will Come Back In The Finale Watering Hole". Not really. Oh what fun Mel Brooks could have had with the material.
John Mason didn't add the "Cincinnati" part himself. Whenever he's refereed to as such he retorts, "I ain't never been to Cincinnati." He repeats the line over and over again. I can only hope it had more impact in the commanding voice of The Duke.
The best ac

Westerns are attractive to filmmakers due to their versatility. The setting allows for multiple genres and stories. With such a rich history, westerns also have many pitfalls. "Dawn Rider" seems to fall in to every single one. Yet, I found myself mildly amused and entertained for the most part. The soundtrack helped the experience. Even so, it's not any more special than any random repeat of "Gunsmoke". It is a new western though, and it costs only $3.99 to watch instantly. That will be enough for some.
Watch It Now: Amazon Instant Vudu
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