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Notice that Wilson's face has been photoshopped. He has no cheeks! |
Directed by Chris Fisher
Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Luke Wilson and Leslie Bibb
Runtime 90min - Rated R
3 Stars (out of 4)
"Meeting Evil" is available on most V.O.D. platforms. Links below review.
I'm not sure if it was intentional, but the plot of "Meeting Evil" reminded me of "It's A Wonderful Life". This is something I'll mention again in the final paragraph so that it appears I have made some kind of clever connection between the beginning and end of this review. It's an advanced technique.
I hadn't really heard anything about this film so I was lacking expectations. I just saw who was starring in the film and thought, "Yeah, I'll watch that." I'm pretty sure that will be the way most viewers happen upon the movie given its quiet release. I saw there wasn't a single critic's review listed on its IMDB listing. That issue will be resolved soon.
Other than the cast, the only thing I could make judgments on was the movie's cover image. It was an image that lead me to believe the film was going to have a strong sense of mystery. Not because it's a clever and mysterious design, but because it very closely resembled the movie poster for "Se7en".
It turns out that these images are the only incidents of resemblance between the two films. I'm not saying that "Meeting Evil" doesn't have any secrets, but everything you need to know can be figured out in the first 20 minutes.
I was initially pretty disappointed with how logically the film progressed. John (Wilson) comes home to a surprise birthday party thrown by his wife and kids. He is a down-on-his-luck real estate agent who has lost yet another sale. His lost sale causes him to lash out at his family, which puts a quick end to the party and convinces his loved ones to leave him at home alone for a while. He uses that alone time to clear his head. In the movies clearing one's head is defined by early afternoon drinking.
John's drinking and self-loathing session is interrupted by a knock on the door. Richie (Jackson) is the knocker. He's stalled in front of John's house and asks for a push. While John is pushing Richie floods the gas before dropping the clutch, causing the exhaust to burn John's leg. Richie apologizes and insists that John goes with him to the hospital. So John hops in the car leaving his wallet, cellphone and keys behind. Don't blame him folks, he doesn't know he's in a movie.
Shockingly, Richie abandons the hospital idea in favor of taking his new friend/hostage on a joyride. Except without the joy. After a while, my disappointment started to fade. The movie wasn't trying to be mysterious or subtle. It was on a mission to create 90 minutes of havoc, and it succeeded. The body count rises and things get increasingly tense between Richie and John. By the climax of the film I was really enjoying myself.
Some of the publicity literature describes Richie as "evil incarnate". It seems pretty clear to me that he is a representation of Satan. He knows details about John and his wife that simply cannot be googled. Richie is the type of character that Samuel L. Jackson was born to play. He's constantly yelling and being obscene, yet he manages to talk himself into and out of any situation he wishes. He also has a knack for intense monologues that supplement his violence. The best example would be the "wrath of God" scene from "Pulp Fiction".
Luke Wilson does an adequate job in the film as well. His character seems less difficult than Jackson's, but still has moments of depth. He does occasionally make you wonder if John will fall into temptation and join in the evil doings of Richie. John's wife Joanie is portrayed by Leslie Bibb whose main job is to be attractive. A job at which she excels.
So here is a film about a man in dire financial straits who is approached by a seemingly supernatural being who shows him what his life might be like if he makes different decisions. At the end of this journey he returns to his wife and kids after seeing life from a darker perspective. Sounds pretty similar to "It's A Wonderful Life" to me. I really wonder if it was written from that perspective or if it was just a happy accident. I also wonder if they toyed with the idea of having a demon get its horns every time a bell rings. I'm not saying that "Meeting Evil" is on the same level as the aforementioned Christmas classic, but it does seem to be the flip side of the same coin. I may be in the minority, but I'm recommending this film. It's fun, harmless, and inexpensive. Another great addition to the video-on-demand platform.
Watch it now:
i think this movie should be quiet interesting and i hope it will
ReplyDeleteI was pleasantly surprised.
DeleteI loved this movie! My theory about the little girl, she was just evil herself & spared. Remember her giving the cops the finger? An angel wouldn't do that. Samuel was going to handle John @ her first appearance but the girl was watching. Think writers just gave us a lil something extra to think about as far as she goes. Samuel was a demonic spirit in this movie that apparently possessed John in the end. Wife got what she needed...2 b killed. Funny. Samuel also appeared to have conjured up a demonic spirit for real for this role. His performance, OSCAR worthy!
DeleteTerrible just plain terrible.One of the worst films I've ever had the displeasure of watching.
ReplyDeleteIt's not Casablanca, but if this is one of the worst you've seen then you haven't seen much. Or your standards are waaay too high.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for dissenting opinions, but claiming something as "the worst" or "one of the worst" is never a good argument.
Can someone please explain what happened in the end. Why did he stay with his wife? Why was he whistling like Samuel Jackson at the end? Please explain what happened
ReplyDeleteI have attempted to go over the possibilites thoroughly. I put it in a new post. You can find it at. http://dustyonmovies.blogspot.com/2012/04/meeting-evil-ending-explained.html
DeleteI haven't read the new post yet Dusty, but I'd like to take a crack at Anonymous's question before I check it out.
DeleteI just watched this movie today and I found the movie both interesting and sinister - the latter label being mostly attributed to the story's subliminal messages than anything else.
I believe that Jackson's character did indeed represent the devil as Dusty stated could have been a possibility, and I believe that the protagonist's character represent the average American (or middle class Western Worlder, to be more accurate) and his current state of affairs: unsurmountable debt, detached from your kids and family, extra-marital affairs going both ways, substance abuse, etc. He gets visited by the Devil, who originally intended to kill him, but who instead sees something in him (the "Potential", shall we say?) and who proceeds to spend the rest of the movie not only subjecting our Average Middle Class Guy to slaughter after slaughter, tragedy after tragedy, but DESENSITIZING HIM TO IT!
And, because unrelenting repetition of a stimulus (be it an idea, an order issued to you, a punishment, or even a version of events shown on the News...) has been shown to incite acceptance of said stimulus, we can see why he might be whistling the Devil's tune at the end.
Somewhere in between the devil telling him the full truth about his wife and plungig a knife in devil's chest, our Hero jumped ship, and decided to sing a different tune and uh, carry Lucifer's torch (puns intended lol).
He didn't want the cops to take his wife because he wanted to deal with her himself.
The movie, at a subliminal level, is a story about the corruption of man.
I gave this a chance because Jackson was in it. I wasn't too disappointed. The movie had it's great moments but the story could have been better. My favorite part was when they did a panned a close up of Jackson at the bar and had that evil look and the frame was darkening and you could see only the white of his eyes. That was a great shot. Another part I found great was when the wife was telling off the cop and covering her son's ears. The cop really got "served". Speaking of dark... there were too many parts in the movie where the lighting could have been better because in some parts I couldn't see Jackson's face. As for Wilson I couldn't "feel" his struggle fighting temptation. I don't think this was a good part for him. I think the director failed in making Jackson seem supernatural. At least I didn't believe it. In the end, it wasn't clear to me if the wife really hired Jackson to kill Wilson. Was the purpose of this to keep the audience guessing? If it was... then the execution was poor. I felt cheated because there was no definitive ending and too many loose ends. I can only say that Jackson contributed a good performance to the movie.
ReplyDeleteSam Jack is one of my favorite actors, but I wish the ending would have been just a little clearer (literally). I'm all for mystery but to leave your audience in the dark (literally) is just cruel. Please make a sequel. Overall i'd give it 8 out of 10! Good movie!
ReplyDeleteJust finished watching the movie..overall its not gonna be one of Samuel L Jackson Classic..but it definitely was a different roll for him... the plot of the movie started to unravel as soon as luke wilson got in the car..u knew it was gonna be one of those rides! but overall it was just your average thriller packed movie. i give it a 5/10
ReplyDeleteThere was no shock factor in this movie for me, the thrill's timing wasn't good. The whole movie was mediocre except for the cast but again the script didn't do them justice. I didn't find myself in some joy ride or highly awaiting 'what's next?!'. I also think all those theories about the ending are rubbish, the story and the closing was perfectly clear and I believe people are making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the worst, but definitely not the best- 4/10
Everytime I post it gets erased but I'm gonna try again. I don't understand how the wife could have hired Richie cuz remember at the beginning her and the kids were there with a cake ready to celebrate. She didn't know he got fired so she hadn't planned on leaving w the kids to go to the park so it makes no sense that she would have sent a hit man there for that exact time.
ReplyDeleteOOPS sorry I meant to post that on your other page...the "explained" one
ReplyDeletesorry, but this movie is truly terrible. If you think otherwise, you have absolutely no standards.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I didn't expect too much, the movie still managed to disappoint me. There was only one scene that I really liked. It was the scene where John sees Tammy for the first time in the bar. Does anyone know the name of the song that she was dancing to? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteI found it,it's called Ride by the Pushing Daisies.
DeleteWell, not a bad movie, not a good one either :/
ReplyDeleteI liked that the movie was at least trying to be vague about the villain's nature and the ending. Although the twist was telegraphed way too obvious after the interrogation of the wife, I was still hoping for another outcome.
And overall the movie has a too pessimistic worldview, that's why the ending is hardly ambigous at all. I wished they would have keep it silent after his wife asked him the final question and they should have cut out the whistling (it even gets repeated at the end of the credits), it destroys the subtlety of the end.
During watching I was repeatedly reminded on 2 great movies, one is 'The Hitcher' with Ruger Hauer who seemed also to be kind of a ghost, or let's just say a dark mentor. One thing's for sure, the protagonist is helping out the wrong person, gets stalked and is profoundly changed at the end of both films.
THe other movie was Lost Highway, which is also a kind of a nightmarish road trip, triggered by jealousy and thoughts of killing the loved one. Desires which manifest into the real world and creates an alternate reality (the vhs tapes, mistery man etc).
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ReplyDeleteBulverde Texas Real Estate
I loved it too..but yes I SEVERELY need that ending clarified~
ReplyDeleteThis movie is awesome unless you are a frustrated filmaker. I think most people who dsslike the film probably newer saw it. Its not perfect but its a very inteligen fictitios plot.
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