Yes. My blog sucks. I mean, it's a movie review blog and I haven't posted a movie review since May 9th. What gives?
I'm still writing, but I've been focusing on fiction and poetry instead of blogging. What do I write? Horror, fantasy, sci-fi, crime, and even a western. Mostly short fiction, but I have sold a novelette to KZine and have a novella out for consideration to a publisher. The novelette will appear in the May '14 issue, so be patient on that one.
For now, you can check out the August issue of Static Movement for two flash-fiction pieces. They'll take about 5 minutes to read combined. Oh and it's a free eZine. CLICK HERE
Or, you can head over to to read a crime piece I wrote. It's poorly edited, but the story is pretty good. CLICK HERE
I also have a crime piece in the August issue of eFiction Magazine. It's a subscription-based publication, but you will probably be able to buy the standalone issue within a month for pretty cheap. CLICK HERE
In the next week or so, you'll be able to find a poem of mine, "The Steel Titan" over at Mystic Nebula for free. CLICK HERE
I'll also have two pieces in upcoming anthologies. I don't have a link for you to read them. But I'll offer up the covers. It will be a while before these are published.
And today I got an acceptance letter from a poetry magazine called Star*Line. It's the quarterly publication of the Science Fiction Poetry Association. To me, it's a big deal. It's unclear when it will be published, but in one of the next two issues. Here's a cover, not from my issue, just a cover.
So there ya go. That's why my blog sucks. Because I'm writing everything but blog posts. Except, ya know, this one.
Congratulations! Not for your blog sucking but for why it sucks! I mean, uh, yeah....Congratulations!