Directed by Brett Whitcomb
Starring Chris Thrash and Aaron Fechter
Runtime 72min. - Not Rated
4 Stars (out of 4)
"The Rocka-fire Explosion" is part of my Quirky Documentary series and is available on Netflix Instant.
For those who aren't consumed by nostalgia for Showbiz Pizza, The Rock-afire Explosion is the name given to the creepy robot band that played their until Chuck E. Cheese took over. Not everyone thinks they are creepy though. In fact, they have an enthusiastic and loyal fanbase. The robots and props are traded and sold between private collectors who believe in the power of the characters.
One such fan is Chris Thrash. He worked multiple jobs for years, saving his money to purchase everything he needed for his own show. When he opened the door to his Showbiz sanctuary all I could think was "Wow". He's got it all. Every single character is in perfect condition. Actually, he bought a set from the original manufacturer that had been sitting in wooden crates for years. The sets are all authentic. Even the wallpapers, floors and tables have the Showbiz feel. Chris is an active owner. He's got the characters all hooked up to a computer where he programs their movements to songs. His programs are actually much better than you ever saw when the characters were in their prime. Videos of his shows have gone viral on YouTube.