Starring Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell
Runtime 121min. - Rated R
3 Stars (out of 4)
A young man forces his way into a surgeon' life. A secret is revealed. Someone must die. Sounds like a thriller, right?
Maybe it would be a thriller if not for the offbeat dialogue. Even when people are facing life-altering dilemmas they're mostly talking to each other like unfiltered children. Whatever happens to cross their minds, they say. Conversations about armpit hair and watch bands flow like wine in this bizarre film. Except they don't really flow at all, which is, one assumes, on purpose.
The real star of this film is Barry Keoghan, the mysterious boy who turns the Murphy household into a house of horrors. He seems innocuous enough, especially considering his revealed backstory, which I won't spoil for you. But when the Murphy's start becoming paralyzed, Martin takes the credit. Does he have magic? Did he poison them? I honestly don't know and I just watched the thing. It's not really important. What's important is that not all of the Murphy's have to die. If you sacrifice one you save the rest. Which, in this film's case, leads to a lot of mundane discussions with little to no emotional affectation.
This is not going to please a lot of moviegoers. It's a dry film that defies genre. But you can't find fault in it's craft and creativity.
This is not going to please a lot of moviegoers. It's a dry film that defies genre. But you can't find fault in it's craft and creativity.