Based on the novel by Yann Martel
Starring Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Kahn, Adil Hussain
(and Richard Parker)
Runtime 127min. - Rated PG
4 Stars (out of 4)
4 Stars (out of 4)
I mention my spiritual background because "Life of Pi" is saturated with religious references. The main character, Pi, practices Hinduism, Catholicism and Islam simultaneously. He also teaches a college-level class on Kabbalah. Pi is the kind of person who speaks to God as if he expects an audible answer. Even when he might be justified in cursing God or questioning His benevolence, Pi offers prayers of gratitude. I'd probably be disgusted with this level of faith in a real human, but Pi is a fictional person in a fictional story. Also, I can't honestly say I wouldn't adopt an extreme faith if I were subject to such harrowing circumstances.This film is just too damn good not to enjoy. My brain knew this and underwent some involuntary compartmentalization so that I could avoid any internal conflict.