Bo Keister stars in "The Deed" which debuts as the opener for The Blue Ridge Film Festival in Buchanan, Va. It plays at 11:00am Friday, Oct. 12th.
As I parked at the corner of Franklin and Main Street in
Christiansburg, VA, I certainly didn’t feel like I was in Hollywood. From my
vehicle I could see a Papa Johns, an antique store, and not much else. I had
been told there was an acting studio in the area. Sure enough, a few feet down
from the antique store a sign read “Actor’s Anonymous”. I made my way to the second floor where
another sign pointed me to a door. I knocked and entered cautiously as if it
were a restroom whose occupancy status I was unsure of. I was greeted by a
friendly voice saying “C’mon in”. The door opened wider to reveal a familiar
face. There he was. The man I had seen in films and online; Bo Keister in the
Everyone knows that actors are shorter than they appear
on screen. They are tiny, baby faced people who always wear a tie when not in
costume for their job. Keister doesn’t adhere to those guidelines. I can’t tell
you how big he is, but I’m 6’2 and had to look up to meet his eyes. He
certainly isn’t lanky either. Wearing
jeans and T-shirt with a backwards baseball cap, it was apparent he wasn’t
hiding his Dublin, VA roots.